💎The LivingDuality💎

As I begin to mature into adulthood and my persepective has slowly gained clarity, I am surprized to discover that our magnificent universe is fundamentally designed on duality. Duality is a complex design and also difficult to understand without thorough study. It is better approached without preconception, due to subject matter having many more mysteriousContinue reading “💎The LivingDuality💎”

Discernment 💎 This was Jesus’s true message

Discernment is a process where we have to decide what action to take after discovering something. If it is Spiritual dicernment then guidance from God will help you to make the right decision. It differs to judgement as dicernment involves an ‘inner knowing’ thought to arise from genuine truth, whereas judgement usually involves fear andContinue reading “Discernment 💎 This was Jesus’s true message”

https://phys.org/news/2019-06-dna-microscopy-image-cells.html — Bruce’s Blog

Bruce’s blogpost is a fine example, in my opinion of the multiverse. The universe is th macrocosm, the human is the microcosm and then going into the human dna, yet another universe. Universe within universe and is continues infinite.

#Parent Alienation

Today whilst reading my Science Daily subscription, I come across a research paper titled ‘Whether direct or indirect parental alienation harms families’. Parent alienation is a behaviour where one parent purposely tryst to damage a child’s relationship with the other parent. The paper reports gender differences in many types of alienating behaviours. It found mothersContinue reading “#Parent Alienation”

Discernment 💎 This was Jesus’s true message

Discernment is a process where we have to decide what action to take after discovering something. If it is Spiritual dicernment then guidance from God will help you to make the right decision. It differs to judgement as dicernment involves an ‘inner knowing’ thought to arise from genuine truth, whereas judgement usually involves fear andContinue reading “Discernment 💎 This was Jesus’s true message”

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